Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

We are so excited to start 2012 with all of you! We hope you had an wonderful break! This week we will be reviewing the literacy learning goals from December and beginning a new measurement math unit.

Literacy Learning Goals:

Students will be able to:
1. Identify the plot of the story.
2. Know how to read long vowel e and long vowel i words spelled with a y. Know how to read final ng, nk sounds.
3. Learn and understand compound words.
4. Continue to go through the editing process to write a story that includes a topic sentence and three detail sentences.

Math Learning Goals:
1. Estimate and measure the length of objects using non-standard units.
2. Estimate and measure the length of objects with standard units.
3. Identify and define an inch.
4. Identify and define a foot.

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