Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Full Week of First Grade Fun

We are looking forward to a full week of school!

* Each first grade student will take the DIBELS Reading Assessment on Wednesday. Please be sure your child eats a healthy breakfast and gets plenty of sleep.

* We will also walk to the public library this week at 1:50. Please be sure your child returns his/her library book to the Public Library.

1-W- Monday



Math Learning Goals for the week:

Students will be able to:

1. Estimate and measure the length of objects with standard units

2. Identify and define an inch.

3. Identify and define a foot.

Reading and Writing Learning Goals for the week:

Students will be able to

1. Identify and understand the theme (big idea) of a story.

2. Compare and read words ending in es and ending plurals with es.

3. Read r-Controlled (or, ore) words.

4. Use verbs in writing.

5. Understand and use Voice in writing.

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