Sunday, January 29, 2012

Busy and Exciting Week!

We have a busy and very exciting week ahead!!!

Thursday, February 2nd - Groundhog’s Day
Friday, February 3rd- 100th Day!

Please have your child send in a small Ziploc bag of 100 edible goodies (pretzels, marshmallows, etc…) by Thursday. These items will help us celebrate our 100th day of school!

Our learning goals will remain the same for math this week; however, we will begin place value lessons on Friday.

Students will be able to:
1. Estimate and measure the length of objects using non-standard with standard units laid end-to-end.
2. Use standard units to estimate and measure.
3. Use objects to display data in bar graphs or pictographs.
4. Math fact practice.

Our language arts goals will include review of skills introduced during the past two weeks.

Students will be able to:
1. Draw conclusions and retell the plot of a story.
2. Read and spell works with the bossy r (r-controlled) er, ir, ar, or, ore & ur.
3. Read words that have contractions ‘s, ‘ve & ‘re.
4. Read words that have inflected endings –ed & -ing.
5. Use verbs in writing.
6. Understand and use Voice in writing.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION- There have been cases of head lice reported at Hedges last week. Please be sure to check your child’s head and remind him/her not to share hats.

Please contact your child's teacher if you have any questions.

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