Sunday, October 23, 2011

Red Ribbon Week!

This week is full of more fun and lots of Red! It is Red Ribbon Week. Our school will celebrate being Drug-Free!

Monday- Wear Red Day
Tuesday- Wear something red, white or blue (all three is good too) Real heros don’t do drugs…
Wednesday- Wear your school colors- Show your drug free school spirit.
Thursday-Wear mismatched Socks- Sock it to drugs.
Friday- Wear a hat day! Use your head not drugs.
Fall Festival!!

Math Learning Goals for the week:
Students will be able to
1. Identify the value and the name of a penny and nickel.
2. Tell time to the hour drawing hands and writing the analog time.
3. Count mixed coins with nickels and pennies and write the total value.
4. Understand number models/number sentence for addition and introduce subtraction.
5. Understand and represent place value to the tens.

Reading and Writing Learning Goals for the week:
Students will be able to
1. Read and write words that include the long a, soft c and g.
2. Identify a pronoun in a sentence that is read in a story and identify a pronoun in their own writing.
3. Identify and retell the cause and effect in a story.
4. Write a topic sentence and a detail sentence.

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