Sunday, September 18, 2011

Weekly Update!

Students will be dismissed at 1:25 on Wednesday, September 21st.

We look forward to seeing you and your child on Thursday, September 22nd for our Parent Open House!! Our time is scheduled from 6:30 to 7:00pm. Please let your child's teacher know if you are unable to attend.

Weekly Purple Folders: On the calendar, please be sure that you log your child's reading minutes each evening and total the minutes on Friday. Also, the key word list should remain in the folder. This helps us to circle words your child needs to work on and star the lists that have been mastered.

Learning Goals for the Week:
1. Read and write short vowel words that include: a, i and o with inflected endings- ing and s
2. Write a complete sentence: capital letter, punctuation and complete thought.
3. Identify the main idea in a story.
4. Use a number grid to understand sums of 5.
5. Write an addition sentence that include sums of 5.

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